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The Ugly Cry

I just wrote a post that shouldn’t be published. Thank god I just had a bigger uglier cry and realized in time. I need to blubber from the fetal position and there’s no one near me to listen and decipher it but the cat. Suffice it to say I feel like crap at the bottom of a shoe and the ugly cry just won’t stop. I’ll try to answer kind comments on other stories and posts as soon as I feel better but for now I think I should retreat and remember how to be quiet. Silence does have its place after all.

20 thoughts on “The Ugly Cry

  1. Re,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re anything but your best. Please know that there are others cheering you on and supporting you, from afar and up close. Do reach out if you need a hand, or an ear.
    Whatever it is, it will pass…


  2. Oh Ré, all my love to you, and hope you can feel our support coming at you from all over the internets. Wish I were sitting there next to you with hugs… and a box of those good tissues with the lotion. ❤

  3. Sometimes a good cry is just the ticket, but I’m sorry to hear that enough crappy stuff is going on that a good cry was merited. Peace to you, and I mean that!


  4. Ré, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you get better soon. Put on your favorite jammies, make some hot chocolate, watch a funny movie. Read some inspirational quotes. Know that you are surrounded by love and support, even from those at a distance. From a virtual friend who has felt the suffocating force of depression these past few weeks…remember that you are definitely not alone.

  5. Look at all these strangers you’re posts have touched. Though you may feel alone in these troubling times, your words have influenced others in this world, and we greatly appreciate your time and effort to reach out to us. Though we’ve never met, please remember that we care about you. Please take care.


  6. but your silence will be far too loud Re. please – whoever you are- stop beating Re up…Re is way too good for that. it’s always the best and brightest that are the most critical of themselves. continue…

  7. My thanks to you all for your kind words of support when I could barely see straight. I must be seeing much better now because I’m overwhelmed again by all this encouragement, but in a much more positive way because my head is closer to that positive space again. Thank you more than you each could know. Please forgive me for not feeling able to answer individually, but know that I appreciate knowing every one of you.

  8. May faith hold you together, and love ease your pain.
    There is hope. We all have our dark days.
    Shine like you know you can, once the dust is risen.
    Be blessed today and always,

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